Sunday, August 3

The Birth of JSLN blog

MOOD :: ecstatic exhausted


ugh. tired. :(( I used up all my time to figure this blogger thingy.
I could barely summon enough energy to bring myself to look
at the clock. CRAP. I forgot to study for the upcoming UPCAT.
wahh !! Ohh well, never mind my shit-talking. XD

On to my BLOG .. I created this blog for personal purposes only.
It is important for me to keep track of the good things I'm experiencing nao.
And it is my pleasure to share it with you guys.
THAT IS, if you ARE interested. LOL. haha.
If you really want to get to know me better, add me up on friendster.
Just locate the link found on this page. By the way,
I pretty much know you'd ask, so here is the answer: JSLN stands for


These are the four names I constantly use.
You may say they're my pseudonyms, I know it's a lot, but still ...
I know you find me weird, so don't even bother telling me.
I KNOW what you're thinking. HAHA. GEHD .. i'm really tired.
So if you'll excuse me, imma rest nao. Until then.

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